Digital Pedigree’s Catalog Expansion and Customer Experience Strategy

Digital Pedigree, a leading digital marketing agency, partnered with Nectar Bath Treats to achieve significant sales growth and improved profit margins. By focusing on increasing traffic to higher average selling price (ASP) products and enhancing the customer experience, Digital Pedigree successfully generated a remarkable 120% YoY increase in sales and a 10% YoY increase in profit for Nectar Bath Treats.



Competitive pricing pressure


Stagnant sales


Revenue growth


Limited range of products


Digital Pedigree developed a comprehensive strategy to expand the catalog and improve the customer experience, yielding significant results:

  1. Catalog Expansion: Digital Pedigree worked closely with Nectar Bath Treats to identify areas where catalog selection could be expanded strategically. By adding new products in the right places, Nectar Bath Treats reduced the risk associated with relying heavily on a few products and created more diverse revenue streams.
  2. Driving Traffic and Advertising: To ensure the success of the expanded catalog, Digital Pedigree implemented targeted advertising campaigns. These campaigns were designed to drive traffic specifically to the high-ASP products, increasing their visibility and attracting potential customers.
  3. Customer Experience Optimization: Digital Pedigree emphasized providing a great customer experience on the product detail pages. By optimizing these pages for search engine optimization (SEO) and enhancing the user experience, Nectar Bath Treats maximized the chances of converting website visitors into customers over the longer term.


Digital Pedigree’s strategy of catalog expansion and customer experience optimization delivered exceptional results for Nectar Bath Treats:

  1. Sales Growth: Nectar Bath Treats experienced an impressive 120% YoY increase in sales. The focus on increasing traffic to higher ASP products, combined with strategic catalog expansion, contributed to significant growth in overall sales volume.
  2. Profit Margin Improvement: Through the emphasis on high-margin products, Nectar Bath Treats achieved a 10% YoY increase in profit. By driving traffic to these products and maximizing the customer experience, Digital Pedigree helped the company achieve sweeter profit margins.
  3. Mitigated Risk: The catalog expansion strategy diversified Nectar Bath Treats’ product offerings, reducing the risk associated with relying heavily on a limited range of products. This diversification allowed the company to adapt to competitive pricing pressures on legacy products and maintain a stronger market position.


Digital Pedigree’s catalog expansion and customer experience optimization strategies proved highly effective for Nectar Bath Treats. By increasing traffic to higher ASP products, diversifying the catalog, and focusing on a great customer experience, Digital Pedigree facilitated a remarkable 120% YoY increase in sales and a 10% YoY increase in profit. Nectar Bath Treats now serves as a compelling example of how strategic catalog expansion, targeted advertising, and a customer-centric approach can drive revenue growth and improve profitability in the bath and body products industry.

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